Usher ‘She Came to Give It to You’

Se titulará “The UR Experience” el nuevo tour del cantante y artista americano pero, mientras fans y seguidores de Estados Unidos se preparan para esta nueva avalancha de conciertos, Usher ha tenido tiempo para compartir su nuevo videoclip para el single ‘She Came to Give It to You’.

En el vídeo que acompaña este segundo single del esperado álbum titulado presumiblemente ‘UR’, todo es bastante previsible: en un local underground situado en un almacén de electrónica, donde le espera el productor del tema, Pharrell Williams, Usher canta con su grupo antes de empezar un baile realmente impresionante antes de la llegada de una sexy Nicki Minaj. Pero ojo al final, que deja mucho espacio a la imaginación (y a una posible continuación…).

El vídeo ha sido dirigido por Philip Andelman.

La letra del single:

Say it ain’t what you do cause…

So if you knew what I knew

She’d be yours tonight

Yeah, baby

Imagine she came here to getaway

Well she don’t want nobody crowding the space

Huh, wouldn’t that be weird? oh

She was up tonight to get down

But she don’t wanna be a part of the crowd

Wouldn’t that be weird? oh yeah

I’m so confused

If you only knew

She came to give it to you

Girl it ain’t what you do

It’s what you do tonight

And there ain’t no shortcuts

In doing something right

If you knew what I knew

She’d be yours tonight

Just look around the club

Cause you’re here to have a good time

So many benefits to being quiet

Just be cool, enjoy the ride

‘Cause all you really wanna do is, wouldn’t that be weird? Yeah

Don’t be stingy with it pass the J, when I hit it this headache go away

My nigga that’s weird

I’m so confused

If you only knew

She came to give it to you

Girl it ain’t what you do

It’s what you do tonight

And there ain’t no shortcuts

In doing something right

If you knew what I knew

She’d be yours tonight

Just look around the club

Cause you’re here to have a good time

I’m so confused

If you only knew

She came to to give it to you


He want the flirty girl, I’m the girly girl

You know who get the worm its the early bird flow

Slicker than MJ, early curl

I got to clip these bitches like sterly sturl

I seen him in the club he could get the cub

I ain’t talking about baseball but go get the glove

Don’t be like OJ and forget your glove

Tryna get faded, go and get the drug

Five plus five what they call that? Ten

Out in japan we be counting that, Yen

Ladies who you trying get it popping with? Men

No little boys in the circle of Usher

Got em under pressure

When your girl come through Nicki gon’ crush her

And tell your man play the back like a spine

You only last 6 seconds like a vine

I’m so confused

If you only knew

She came to give it to you

Girl it ain’t what you do

It’s what you do tonight

And there ain’t no shortcuts

In doing something right

If you knew what I knew

She’d be yours tonight

Just look around the club

Cause you’re here to have a good time

Yeah, c’mon

C’mon, uh-huh, yo yo

I’m Nicki M and he is Usher

All these niggas be tryna cuff her

What you know about that Swiffer duster

Until next time you motherf*ers

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