Madison Beer, audio y letra del primer single ‘Unbreakable’

Una nueva estrella de la música está naciendo en Estados Unidos y se llama Madison Beer.

Se trata de una joven artista de apenas 15 años que se presenta como uno de los mejores talentos musicales del país norteamericano, protegida de Justin Bieber que ha decidido apoyarla en sus primeras experiencias en el complicado mundo del show-business.

La cantante ha estrenado su primer single titulado ‘Unbreakable’ de que hoy podemos ver el videoclip oficial: un vídeo bastante sencillo y seguramente perfecto para un publico joven.

A continuación, la letra del single:

Do you feel like you just can’t take no more

Broken heart, all your pieces on the floor

Like you’re running out of breath

Tryna find yourself, before you blow away in the night

Every word you ever said

Every way you ever felt

I know it’s hard but baby tonight

We’re gonna run through your fire

Like we’ve never been burned

We’re gonna wrap our life

Like we’ve never been hurt

We’re gonna shout it out to the edge of the world,

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

We’re gonna scream our rooms out

Dance in the rain

We’re gon’ be laughing hard

Yeah, forget the pain

And they can call us crazy

Freakin’ untamed

We’re unbreakable

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

And this scream through the faces you don’t know

And the crowd tryna stand out, tryna blow

But no matter where you are

Just like you’re in the dark

And just can’t find the fuse to the light

Every word you ever said

Every way you ever felt

I know it’s hard but baby tonight

We’re gonna run through your fire

Like we’ve never been burned

We’re gonna wrap our life

Like we’ve never been hurt

We’re gonna shout it out to the edge of the world

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

We’re gonna scream our rooms out

Dance in the rain

We’re gon’ be laughing hard

Yeah, forget the pain

And they can call us crazy

Freakin’ untamed

We’re unbreakable

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

I am me, there’s nothing that can break me

Nothing that can break me

I’m telling you I am free

There’s nothing that can hold me

Nothing that can hold me

I’m telling you I am me

Nothing that can break me

Nothing that can break me

I’m telling you I am free

Cuddle me down

We’re gonna run through your fire

Like we’ve never been burned

We’re gonna wrap our life

Like we’ve never been hurt

We’re gonna shout it out to the edge of the world

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

We’re gonna scream our rooms out

Dance in the rain

We’re gon’ be laughing hard

Yeah, forget the pain

And they can call us crazy

Freakin’ untamed

We’re unbreakable

We’re unbreakable

You’re unbreakable

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