Lily Allen ‘Sheezus’

Ya podemos ver el vídeo oficial de ‘Sheezus’, single que da titulo al nuevo álbum de estudio de Lily Allen que podremos escuchar dentro de un par de semanas.

En un solo día la cantante británica estrena audio y videoclip del esperado single, primer lanzamiento después de sus polémicas declaraciones en contra de la discográfica, culpable por haber promocionado el disco eligiendo dos canciones poco potentes (‘L8 CMMR‘, ‘Air Ballon‘, ‘Our time‘).

Además, el video de ‘Sheezus’ ha sido estrenado a través del canal YouTube de la cantante y no parece un producto de Warner: podría ser una iniciativa personal de la cantante como ulterior forma de protesta.

A continuación, la letra de SHEEZUS:

Been here before, so I’m prepared

Not gonna lie though, I’m kinda scared

Lace up my gloves, I’m going in

Don’t let my kids watch me when I get in the ring

I’ll take the hits, roll with the punches

I’ll get back up, it’s not as if I’ve never done this

But then again, the game is changing

Can’t just come back, jump on the mic and do the same thing

There goes the bell, I know that sound

I guess it’s time for me to go another round

Now wish me luck, I’m gonna need it

I’ll see you on the other side, if I’m still breathing

RiRi isn’t scared of Katy Perry’s roaring

Queen B’s going back to the drawing

Lorde smells blood, yeah, she’s about to slay you

Kid ain’t one to fuck with when she’s only on her debut

We’re all watching Gaga, L-O-L-O, ah-ha

Dying for the art so, really, she’s a martyr

The second best will never cut it for the divas

Give me that crown, bitch

I wanna be Sheezus

I’m ready for all the comparisons

I think it’s dumb and it’s embarrassing

I’m switching off, no longer listening

I’ve had enough of persecution and conditioning

Maybe it’s an instinct, we’re only animal

Maybe it’s healthy, maybe it’s rational

It makes me angry, I’m serious

But then again, I’m just about to get my period

Periods, we all get periods

Every month, yo, that’s what the theory is

It’s human nature, another cycle

Be nice to me, I’ll make you one of my disciples

I am born again, now run along and tell

All your friends to come and join us

Give yourselves to me, I am your leader

“Let me be Sheezus”

“Let me be Sheezus”

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