Korn han compartido en línea su nuevo videoclip para la canción titulada ‘Spike in my veins’, segundo single extraído del último disco de estudio ‘The paradigm shift‘ publicado en octubre de 2013 y ya presentado en las paginas de Música Nueva.
(Si no puedes ver el videoclip, pulsa aquí)
El nuevo vídeo musical, dirigido por David Dinetz y su equipo de producción audiovisual Culprit Creative representa una dura y despiadada denuncia en contra del sistema que, a través TV y medios, proyecta caos, miedo e incertidumbre en nuestras vidas para mantener el control de nuestros pensamientos y comportamientos.
Gobiernos corrompidos, técnicas de espionaje, escándalos políticos, los mecanismos secretos de la finanza, el culto de la apariencia y de la celebridad, con algunos personajes (Edward Snowden, Miley Cyrus, Kanye West entre otros) mezclados con muchos otros ingredientes polémicos.
El videoclip de ‘Spike in my veins’ se abre con Jonathan Davis que canta: “We are the ones taking all the pain/Falling on our faces, they don’t care anyway” (es decir: “Somos los que soportan todo el dolor/Nos caemos de cara al suelo pero a ellos da igual”).
‘The paradigm shift’ ha llegado, durante su primera semana, a la posición numero ocho del Billboard 200 y es el primer disco realizado por la banda después del regreso del guitarrista Brian ‘Head’ Welch, a 11 años de distancia de ‘Take a look in the mirror’.
A continuación, la letra de ‘Spike in my veins’:
We are the ones taking all the pain
Falling on our faces
They don’t care anyway
Anyway, now
You’re the one that makes me feel like I’m alive
You’re the one that pushes me all the time
All the time, now
We are hard and grey
Always fate, to do what they say
Calling me deranged
Feeling power, I must take its place some way
Never gonna run away
Seeking out the path
But the pain always gets in the way
Slowly watch me die
I’m insane, so dangerous
Don’t you dare get in my way
Throwing in the towel
Got me strained, so betrayed
Get the fuck out of my way
Looking at my thoughts, I take my time
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
We are the ones reaching out in vain
Trying to solve our problems
They won’t go away, go away now
You’re the one that makes me feel like I’m alive
You’re the one that pushes me all the time
All the time, now
We are hard and grey
Always fate to do what they say
Calling me deranged
Feeling power, I must take its place some way
Never gonna run away
Seeking out my path
But the pain always gets in the way
Slowly watch me die
I’m insane, so dangerous
Don’t you dare get in my way
Throwing in the towel
Got me strained, so betrayed
Get the fuck out of my way
Looking at my thoughts, I take my time
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Never gonna run away
Seeking out my path
But the pain always gets in the way
Slowly watch me die
I’m insane, so dangerous
Don’t you dare get in my way
Throwing in the towel
Got me strained, so betrayed
Get the fuck out of my way
Looking at my thoughts, I take my time
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Pounding all these spikes in my veins
Looking at my thoughts, I take my time
Pounding all these spikes in my veins